Xmas index - Carols by Day Day Carol 1 Messiah - Orchestra Overture 2 Messiah - Comfort Ye - tenor solo 3 Messiah - Every Valley - tenor solo 4 Messiah And the Glory- chorus 5 Messiah Thus Saith the Lord – bass solo 6 Messiah - And He Shall Purify - chorus 7 Messiah - Behold a Virgin - alto solo & O Thou That Tellest 8 Messiah - For Unto Us A Child is Born - chorus 9 Once in a Royal David's City 10 Up! Good Christian Folk, and Listen 11 On Christmas Night 12 Ding Dong! Merrily on High 13 O Little Town of Bethlehem 14 Silent Night 15 In the Bleak Midwinter 16 The First Nowell 17 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 18 Away in a Manger 19 The Seven Joys of Mary 20 The Infant King 21 God Rest You Merry Gentlemen 22 The Holly and the Ivy 23 I Saw Three Ships 24 O Come All Ye Faithful Index by Carol Day Carol 18 Away in a Manger 12 Ding Dong! Merrily on High 21 God Rest You Merry Gentlemen 17 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 23 I Saw Three Ships 15 In the Bleak Midwinter 6 Messiah - And He Shall Purify - chorus 7 Messiah - Behold a Virgin - alto solo & O Thou That Tellest 2 Messiah - Comfort Ye - tenor solo 3 Messiah - Every Valley - tenor solo 8 Messiah - For Unto Us A Child is Born - chorus 1 Messiah - Orchestra Overture 4 Messiah And the Glory- chorus 5 Messiah Thus Saith the Lord – bass solo 24 O Come All Ye Faithful 13 O Little Town of Bethlehem 11 On Christmas Night 9 Once in a Royal David's City 14 Silent Night 16 The First Nowell 22 The Holly and the Ivy 20 The Infant King 19 The Seven Joys of Mary 10 Up! Good Christian Folk, and Listen