Xmas index - Story by Day DAY Story name 1 Is there a Santa Claus 2 La Befana 3 Why the Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves 4 The Gift of the Magi - Full 5 Capturing the Wild Turkey 6 The Hollow Tree Inn 7 Little Wollf and His Wooden Shoes 8 Christmas on the Prairie 9 Behind the White Brick 10 Babouscka 11 The Night it Rained Toys 12 The Glastonbury Thorn 13 Mrs Brownlow's Christmas Party 14 The Mouse Who Didn't Believe in Santa Claus 15 The Christmas Rose 16 The Horse who though he was a Reindeer 17 The Philanthropist's Christmas 18 The Fir Tree 19 How Santa Claus Came to Simpson's Bar 20 The Shoemaker and the Elves 21 The Festival of the Lights 22 The Gift of the Magi - Short 23 The Wrong Toy 24 A Visit from St.Nicholas Index by Story name Day Story name 24 A Visit from St.Nicholas 10 Babouscka 9 Behind the White Brick 5 Capturing the Wild Turkey 8 Christmas on the Prairie 19 How Santa Claus Came to Simpson's Bar 1 Is there a Santa Claus? 2 La Befana 7 Little Wollf and His Wooden Shoes 13 Mrs Brownlow's Christmas Party 15 The Christmas Rose 21 The Festival of the Lights 18 The Fir Tree 22 The Gift of the Magi 4 The Gift of the Magi -Full 12 The Glastonbury Thorn 6 The Hollow Tree Inn 16 The Horse who though he was a Reindeer 14 The Mouse Who Didn't Believe in Santa Claus 11 The Night it Rained Toys 17 The Philanthropist's Christmas 20 The Shoemaker and the Elves 23 The Wrong Toy 3 Why the Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves